captain America’s Shield

This Shield was built over multiple months, mostly due to burnout. I am overall proud of this project and how it turned out, and would consider it to be my most technical project so far.

  • This project is constructed out of cardboard, and is reinforced on the inside with wooden rods to give the curve strength.

  • The curve was achieved by taking individual segments of the shield and curving them separately, then combining them all together.

  • On the back side of the shield there is a slot for the Arm Brace to connect, alongside a handle that, while not screen accurate, makes it easier to hold the shield and balance out its weight. The connection point is made out of wood for integrity.

  • The entire shield was given a base coat of black, then aluminum. Afterwards, the red strips were painted alongside the blue disk. Then the whole thing was weathered with watered down black paint.

Image belongs to Marvel Studios, from Captain America: The First Avenger


Arm Brace For The Shield

The Arm Brace was designed to make it easier and less painful on the arm to throw the shield. The majority of it is made with wood to give the connection strength.

The way it works is rather simple. All you do is slide it into the connector on the back of the shield and hold onto the handle to keep it from sliding off. Then when you want to throw the shield, all you do is let go of the shield at the apex of your throw and it should fly like a frisbee.


Sheath for The Master Sword